Good morning,
I am reluctantly up early today. I had every intentions of sleeping in a little bit but someone ...this |
Yesterday, I went to my friend's house to help with the painting. Leah and Jeff just bought a house in the same town as we did (YAY!!!!) and they close in two weeks. They had some work to do on the exterior, like scraping and painting, so I headed over there around 10:00 in the morning and we worked till about 4:00, with a break to eat pizza and pick up some adult beverages.
I came home, napped, ate, impatiently waited for Ryan to come home from working and then we met up with some more friends at Alex's pool for the evening. There is nothing better to me than sitting outside, enjoying some drinks, talking, and playing games.
While we were hanging out at the pool, the girls decided to go to the beach for today. I got all excited about going but woke up this morning feeling overwhelmed with my silly to-do list. I know the stuff could wait until another day and the chores could get done throughout the week, but I'd rather not start the week off feeling this way. So this morning, I sent out the mass text message that I was going to pass on the beach today. Grrr. I absolutely love going to the beach with the girls. It really is one of my favorite things to do.
Hopefully I will be able to sit outside and read for a bit in the lounge chair....
So, today:
-Catch up on all the laundry. Typically this wouldn't be so bad, but I have two beds to rewash the sheets, plus a ton of towels and I haven't folded the laundry from last week still. Usually I am so good about staying on top of the laundry but I let it get past me this week. It's a good thing that I like to fold laundry!!
-Food shopping. I am really really going to stick to my list and budget. We spent more than I am willing to admit on the bbq last weekend. Plus, with all the leftovers we have, I should really be careful when I go to the store today. (When I was debating about the beach, Ryan offered to go food shopping so I could have time to go to the beach. While that is wonderful, he is notorious for throwing a ton of extra things into the cart so I'd rather him not go)
-Visit my mother and pick up some clothes from her: I am in desperate need of some capris/pants to wear during the summer. My mom offered to give me a bunch that she has no intentions of wearing again. Yay for potential free clothes. Hopefully they fit. Even if they don't, I could always have them altered. Probably cheaper than buying them anyways.
-TJMaxx: I have a gift card for there and Ryan and I would really like a thin, light blanket for the summer. Plus, I am hoping they might have some cute dresses or something I could wear to my Grandmothers retirement in two weeks.
-Dishes: We pathetically have an insane amount of dishes that need to be done. I prefer never to see dishes in the sink. If the dishwasher is full, then hand-wash your dish and put it way. But...that doesn't always happen, especially if I am not around. Last Thursday, our dishwasher was full and needed to get ran. Well, we ran out of dish-washing detergent so I asked Ryan to get some during the day. He forgot. I forgot. I work late on Thursday's and am not home for dinner so there are always a few dishes in the sink on THursday night. Since we kept forgetting to get dish-washing detergent, the dishes kept piling up in the sink. Needless to say, my sink is overflowing with dishes and my dishwasher is starting to smell. Gross.
Workout: I have to put this on my to-do list otherwise I won't do it. This workout:
Cook/Kitchen stuff: I would like to make that salsa that I told you about so I can have it for the week as well as get something good for dinner going and prep my lunches for the week.
Well, it's almost 9:00 and I should be getting things to throw in a load of laundry!
((I really wish I was getting ready to go to the beach right now instead of doing all this. )))
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